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Shared Resources Managed by the HSCRF

The Health Sciences Core Research Facilities provides administration and management of Core facilities through a team of specialized service center experts. Assistance can include the development of a cost model and prices, invoicing for services, account management, human resources management. The HSCRF will provide these services to existing facilities as well as assisting in the start-up and review process for emerging facilities. 

HSCRF Core Research Facilities 

Gnotobiotic Core 
Health Sciences Mass Spectrometry Core 
Health Sciences Sequencing Core (HSSC@CHP) 
High Throughput Genomics Core 
Organoid Research Core 
Peptide and Peptoid Synthesis Core 
Pitt Biospecimen Core 
Small Molecule Biomarker Core 

Useful Links

iLab  Login
iLab  Videos  (under "Using Core Facilities")
User (Service) Agreement (for providing services outside of Pitt)